Java J2SE Training Course
Java J2SE Training Course
Java Standard Edition Training Course ( J2SE )
The J2SE qualifies you to be a Java programmer able to build desktop applications . It is the core course for any other Java programming courses or mobile courses related to java like Android, Black Berry and J2ME. It takes you from the start up level to the professional level in a practical step-by-step manner.
By the end of this course Trainees should be able to :
Write Applications Using Java Programming Language
Write Professional Code that’s well documented and standardized
Write Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Software Applications
developing multi-threaded applications in java.
Understand the network model in java.
Understand how to use databases in you java applications.
Drawing Simple UML Diagrams
You will solve more than 100 programming problem during the course starting from simple console application to professional GUI-based applications. This guarantees a full understanding of Java language features and practically gives you coding experience